Your cat may not have opposable thumbs, but they can still be tech savvy. Even though cats don’t use technology the same way we do, they can really benefit from the advances being made in the field. The bonus is that it can make your life easier in the process!
Technology around the home
In-home cameras. Are you curious if your cat spends the day lazing about? Want to see which of your cats is stealing your glasses? A smart camera allows you to check in on them throughout the day and make sure they’re getting enough exercise and entertainment (and not getting into too much trouble). Two-way audio features allow you to talk to your cat, which can really come in handy when you have to ask them to stop scratching your furniture. Some cameras even feature a treat dispenser that allows you to toss treats to the your cat throughout the day.

Automatic feeders. If you have multiple cats, especially ones with different dietary needs, an automatic feeder is a great option to keep them from eating each other’s food. Or, if you have a cat that wakes you up early in the morning, an automatic feeder will mean you can get more shut-eye. There are options for feeding on a timer or via a chip on their collar.
Smart speakers. If you have a smart speaker, like an Amazon Echo, you can ask it to help calm your cat (“Alexa, start calm my cat”) with classical music, or even “translate” what your cat is saying. Yup, that’s a thing. While cat translating technology isn’t accurate, it can be an entertaining way to communicate with your cat. Just ask Alexa to, “start cat translator.”
Apps for cats
You can use your phone or tablet as a source of mental stimulation for your cat. Applications designed for cats provide entertainment, mental stimulation, and help to nurture your cat’s natural hunting instinct. They can even help you strengthen the bond you have with your cat as you help them play along.
These apps follow a similar pattern of chasing something on the screen, like a laser pointer or fish in a pond. If one type of game doesn’t interest your cat, try another one — just search “cat games” in your preferred app store.
Wearable technology for your cat
Outdoor cats can get in on the tech action, too. GPS collars allow you to track your cat while they’re out on the prowl. Gone are the days of wondering where your cat is and if you’ll be able to find them. Simply bring up an app on your smartphone to be able to see their location.