Melarsomine Is the First Choice Among Vets for Treating Heartworm Disease in Dogs1

Melarsomine dihydrochloride is the heartworm disease treatment that’s recommended by the American Heartworm Society.1 With only 2-3 veterinary administered doses, recovery time is far shorter than other treatments which can last up to 2 years.
Diroban can be administered by your vet
Diroban (when combined with a heartworm preventative, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics) has been shown to effectively kill most heartworms in 1-3 months.1 Other forms of therapy can take up to 2 years, potentially causing unnecessary risks of long-term damage.3
While heartworm disease is treatable, it’s better for your dog’s health to proactively protect them by using an effective preventative product.
For up to 12 weeks after the first dose of Diroban, it will be absolutely essential to keep your dog calm. That means restricting all exercise and activity that would elevate your dog's heart rate or increase his blood pressure. That's because dead heartworms can collect around organs and cause potentially fatal blood clots.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: See Prescribing Information. Diroban is for use in dogs only. Do not use in dogs with very severe (Class 4) heartworm disease. Avoid human exposure. Consult a physician in cases of accidental human exposure by any route. Diroban should be administered by deep intramuscular injection in the lumbar (epaxial) muscles (L3–L5) only. Do not use in any other muscle group. Do not use intraveniusly. Care should be taken to avoid superficial injection or leakage. Safety for use in breeding, pregnant or lactating animals has not been determined. Common side effects include injection site irritation (accompanied by pain, swelling, tenderness and reluctance to move), coughing/gagging, depression/lethargy, anorexia/inappetence, fever, lung congestion and vomiting. All patients should be monitored during treatment and for up to 24 hours after the last injection.
Simparica Trio
See Prescribing Information. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Simparica Trio contains sarolaner, a member of the isoxazoline class, which has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures in dogs with or without a history of neurologic disorders. The safe use of Simparica Trio has not been evaluated in breeding, pregnant, or lactating dogs. The most frequently reported adverse reactions in clinical trials were vomiting and diarrhea.
ProHeart 6 and ProHeart 12
See Prescribing Information for ProHeart 6 and ProHeart 12. Use ProHeart 6 in dogs 6 months of age or older and ProHeart 12 in dogs 12 months of age or older. Do not administer to dogs that are sick, debilitated, underweight, have a history of weight loss, or to those previously found to be hypersensitive to the drug. Hypersensitivity reactions may occur in some dogs when ProHeart is administered alone or with vaccines. Anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions can result in death and should be treated immediately with the same measures used to treat hypersensitivity reactions to vaccines and other injectable products. Reported side effects in clinical trials included vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, anorexia, and hypersensitivity reactions. People should avoid inhalation, contact with eyes, or accidental self-injection. Certification is required before veterinarians and staff administer these products.
AHS Canine Guidelines 2020. https://d3ft8sckhnqim2.cloudfront.net/images/pdf/AHS_Canine_Guidelines_11_13_20.pdf?1605556516, accessed 3/26/22
DIROBAN® Sterile Powder for Injection Prescribing Information. ANADA 200-609. Zoetis.
Venco L, McCall JW, Guerrero J, Genchi C. Efficacy of long-term monthly administration of ivermectin on the progress of naturally acquired heartworm infections in dogs. Vet Parasitol. 2004;124(3-4):259-268.
Pet owner resources: heartworm basics. American Heartworm Society. https://www.heartwormsociety.org/pet-owner-resources/heartworm-basics. Accessed August 25, 2019.